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The International Union of Railways (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer - UIC) is the worldwide organisation for international cooperation among railways and promotion of rail transport at a global level. Founded in 1922, it currently gathers 200 members on all 5 continents, among them railways, rail operators, infrastructure managers, railway service providers, public transport companies, etc. UIC maintains close cooperation links with all actors of rail transport, including industries, railway associations and public authorities. The Headquarters is located in Paris, France. The UIC's main tasks include: preparing standards, regulations and recommendations to facilitate international traffic, carrying out projects, particularly in the field of international passenger and freight transport, infrastructure management and research, promoting exchanges of information and experience, providing dissemination platforms and international training schemes, representing the rail transport mode, worldwide and concluding agreements with international organisations and cooperating with all organisations specialising in rail matters and transport issues. Within UIC, the Security Platform was created by the UIC General Assembly in June 2006 and restructured in 2008 at global level. The Platform involves three permanent working groups and two ad hoc working groups at the request of UIC members and is managed by an international Steering Committee. UIC was involved in several WPs of the project including the collection of information on the European railways graffiti prevention initiatives and best practices (WP2). On WP4 UIC was involved in demonstration activities with the end users’ needs and expectations for the rail sector relevant stakeholders in the field of graffiti prevention. UIC also provided support to the dissemination (WP5) of results through the UIC members wide information network.

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